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Open Space Committee Minutes 09/11/2009
Town of Old Lyme Open Space Committee Meeting
Old Lyme Town Hall

Minutes: September 11, 2009

Chairman Diana Atwood Johnson opened the meeting at 08:35 with OSC members Amanda Blair, Chris Bourne, Peter Cable, Ted Crosby, Bob DePianta, Bill Dunbar, Evan Griswold, George James, Ted Kiritsis and OLCT liaison Christina Clayton in attendance. Also present was OL First Selectman, Tim Griswold, to discuss the Kus property stump dump.

On motion by Ted Crosby, second by Ted Kiritsis, the OSC meeting minutes of June 12, 2009 meeting were approved by vote.

Kus Property Stump Dump
Tim Griswold reviewed with the committee the current status of the Kus property stump dump and of 62 acres of Kus property adjacent to the dump area. Tim has gotten an inquiry from the Kus family about the possibility of selling the property adjacent to the dump to the Town for open space.

As background Tim noted that the stump dump licensing has been renewed on a continuing basis, but the Kus family is considering to possibly end their dump business. In addition the State DEP wants the dump area surveyed to determine remaining capacity of the stump dump and to identify any out-of-bounds dumping that may have occurred. Tim indicated that he was seeking to form a Selectmen/OSC team to meet with the Kus family and with the DEP about the stump dump and the adjacent Kus property proposed for sale to the Town for open space.

It was agreed that Tim, Diana and George would meet with the lawyer advising the Town on stump dump matters to ascertain Town liabilities with regard to stump dump activities. It was agreed that Diana and Tim would meet with Margaret and Kevin Kus to discuss the proposed property sale to the Town for open space. It was agreed that the OSC would tour the 62 acre property adjacent to the stump dump; the tour date was set for September 18, 2009 and 9:00 am, with a rain-date for the following day.

Development Updates
a) Eklund property
Bill reported that the development plan for the Eklund property, with the 15% open space provision recommended by Diana, had been approved the Planning Commission.

b) Lord’s Woods development
Diana reported that the parking places for open space access have been installed and include a guardrail. Also the remedial level spreader work, including reinforcement of the underlay and addition of topsoil has been completed.  Diana will contact Edward Cassella about property markings designating open space and conservation easements. Following discussion the committee agreed that conservation easement markings should be at lot corners and at easement property corners to avoid uncertainty.

Diana indicated that she would inquire of the engineer when all remedial work at Lord’s Woods would be done. And, from a sense of the committee, she would notify attorney Cassella that OSC has agreed to give Dr. Awwaa until October 30, 2009 to complete open space and conservation easement signage in the development with no penalty.

Old Business
a) PRCD regulations
With reference to a Planning Commission workshop on PRCD regulations, scheduled for September 28, 2009, there was a review and discussion of possible housing density benefits attendant to increase of open space set-aside.

On a motion by George, second by Peter, the resolution was voted unanimously that OSC supports a bonus of 10% increase in allowable building units for a 50% designation of the net buildable area as open space.

b) Black Hall Woods property
Diana reported that attorney Marylin Clarke received a letter from the Black Hall Club attorney indicating that the club is withdrawing from the suit seeking resolution of the Black Hall Woods property. It was agreed that, before any action or recommendation should be taken by OSC, the details of the stipulation of the lawsuit, particularly regarding the price of the property in question, should be reviewed. Diana will follow up.

At 10:15 on motion by Bill, second by Ted Crosby, it was voted to go into executive session. At 10:45 on motion by Ted Kiritsis, second by Bob, it was voted to end executive session. No voted actions were taken during executive session.

New Business
a) New England Cottontail project
Diana has been informed by Wendy Goodfriend of CT DEP that it has been determined that the Barholomew Preserve may be a natural habitat for the New England cottontail, a rabbit native to the northeast but declining in numbers. Federal funding through the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation may be available for trapping and testing at Barholomew Preserve to determine presence of the species, which is under consideration for protection under the Endangered Species Act.

b) Tooker property
George inquired whether OSC should pursue purchase of the Tooker property on Dunns Lane. Diana will speak with Howard Tooker about potential interest in the property.

c) Lyme Cub Scouts
George reported that the Lyme Cub Scouts had contacted him about wanting to initiate work projects on Old Lyme open space.

OLCT Report
Christina presented a report on status of current OLCT activities.

At 11:15, on motion by Bill, second by Peter, it was voted to adjourn the meeting..

Respectfully submitted,

Peter Cable